Definition of a Chef

"He is a professional craftsman. He is a cook. He takes fowl from the air; fish from the waters; fruit, vegitables, and grain from the land; and animals that walk the earth, and through his skills and art transforms the raw product to edible food. He serves to sustain life in man, women, and child. He has the sacred duty through his efforts and art to sustain and maintain the healthy bodies that God has given us to house our souls." (a fourteenth century guild manual, author unknown)

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Morning everyone! This morning I drove to a local farm that I know sells eggs at the local farmers markets in Green Bay. I buy eggs from him all of the time because fresh eggs taste AMAZING and they are much fresher, cheaper, and just better for you! They're especially great when they're baked in butter, truffle salt, and have some bacon and a Parmesan cheese tuille. Hmmm Mmmm can't think of a better way to start the day! I also bought a very cool African blue basil plant (actually purple) from my local plant nursery that has all sorts of cool edible plants. It defiantly tastes like basil but it has a slight clove taste to it. It was soooooo good I had to bake it on my eggs!


  1. Farm fresh eggs are the BEST!!!

  2. I would definately have to agree that storebought and farm fresh are not even comparable!
