Definition of a Chef

"He is a professional craftsman. He is a cook. He takes fowl from the air; fish from the waters; fruit, vegitables, and grain from the land; and animals that walk the earth, and through his skills and art transforms the raw product to edible food. He serves to sustain life in man, women, and child. He has the sacred duty through his efforts and art to sustain and maintain the healthy bodies that God has given us to house our souls." (a fourteenth century guild manual, author unknown)

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hey! Just had to post the pic of my blackberry plant that I started from a vine cutting, it has come a long way and is going to produce fruit this season!!! There is already buds galore on the plant. Just have some pics of the plant being "trained" on three pieces of bamboo, the unripe berries, and the rare sight of a blackberry flower! (rare because they do not last long!)

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