Definition of a Chef

"He is a professional craftsman. He is a cook. He takes fowl from the air; fish from the waters; fruit, vegitables, and grain from the land; and animals that walk the earth, and through his skills and art transforms the raw product to edible food. He serves to sustain life in man, women, and child. He has the sacred duty through his efforts and art to sustain and maintain the healthy bodies that God has given us to house our souls." (a fourteenth century guild manual, author unknown)

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Green Onion Snack! (Fritters)

I went out in my garden this morning and picked some spanish onions that im growing. I picked them to thin out the crop so mature onions have room to grow. I had a huge cravng for fried food so I cooked up some Yukon Gold potato fritters that where loaded with the green onions I picked! Along with a green onion aioli! Anyway heres some pics of my snack along with some frying tips! Hope you enjoy!

Don't use clarified butter or olive oil to fry because they have a low smoke point.

Use peanut, canola, or vegitable oil because they have a high smoke point.

Don't overcrowd the pan because you will loose critical heat in your fryer.

Make sure to keep your food moving in the fryer to avoid sticking and clumping.

Water and hot oil do not mix!!!

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