Definition of a Chef

"He is a professional craftsman. He is a cook. He takes fowl from the air; fish from the waters; fruit, vegitables, and grain from the land; and animals that walk the earth, and through his skills and art transforms the raw product to edible food. He serves to sustain life in man, women, and child. He has the sacred duty through his efforts and art to sustain and maintain the healthy bodies that God has given us to house our souls." (a fourteenth century guild manual, author unknown)

Search Anything You Want!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hey Everyone! this is my first post for my new blog "REAL FOOD". Throughout this blog I will be demonstating my knowledge of the culinary arts through the growing and preperation of what I call "Real Food". All food supplied will be from the local farmers markets, or from my own extensive garden in my backyard, including my greenhouse. My overall goal for this blog is to persurde people to buy locally and support their local farmers markets. Without further adue here are some pictures fromthe garden that I am working on at my house!

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